Harvest Basket and Store Happenings for August 25th, 2020.
Good Afternoon,
What a week we have had. From, extremely hot temperatures, rain, lighting, fires and smoke. This past week has definitely gone down in the record books. In the past 11 years, here at Nature's Touch we have never had to close our big roll up door. Well, there was a first... We had to keep it closed due to air quality. So, please if you see the big door closed, we are NOT closed , please use side doors. Our Store hours are :
Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm Saturday 10am -5pm Sunday 10-3pm.
Tuesday Basket Pick up is after 11:30am.
If you would like a curb side delivery please text: 805-712-3478
Bulk Buying is still available. See Melanie if interested.
Here is what is going into today's harvest baskets:
The Need For Greens:
Nante Carrots, Yellow Nectarines, Yellow Peaches, Eureka Lemons, Orange Honey Dew Melons, Basil, Yellow Onions, Baby Bunched Broccoli.
Half Harvest:
Same as above, plus Purple Peruvian Potatoes.
Full Harvest:
Same as above, plus fresh Harvested Honey from our West Templeton farm.
Recipe of the week:
Melon & Mint Salad
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon lemon juice
6 cups of melons
1/2 cup chopped fresh mint
Toss Chill Serve.
News from around the Store, Farm & Radio Show.
Starting Saturday September 12th at 9am Nature's Neighbor Radio Show goes live on additional day. We now will be live on the radio (kprl.com) or (1230am on the radio) two days a week. Every Monday at 1-2pm and now every Saturday from 9-10am. Join us and call in any questions, I can answer about food, family farming & home. Home always being the Central coast of California.
Nature's Neighbor: A show that provides information on going back to our roots and our history to find ways of living in a community with less impact on it. Weather it is growing our own food, buying our neighbors food, building our own chicken pen or learning about what our other neighbors are planting, growing and harvesting in our community. Learning where our local harvest goes weather it’s to a local restaurant or beyond. Creating a sustainable health system within our community. Also, what it takes to survive from our neighbors, or what they have or had to sacrifice to get local food to your home or store. Join us for conversations of Health through food, farming and living through igniting the imagination of the neighbors of San Luis Obispo county region and beyond in creating a more sustainable food and life system.
Come and enjoy a coffee or tea in our gardens with Katie's Coffee. www.katies.coffee
Have You Come in and visited with Ambyth Estate Wines? Did you know they are Biodynamic in the Vineyard and in the Winery as well as dry farmed?
Have a great week.