Harvest Basket List, Store and Farm Happenings for 5-4-21

Good Morning,

First off, I want to apologize for slacking on my blog post and list for harvest baskets.  To many things on the the list of to do's for me, and not enough time to get to the computer.  I Promise, I will do better.  Please never hesitate to reach out via Phone or text- 805-712-3478.  

So many things  happening at the farm and store.  The nursery is busting with a bounty of veggie, herb and native plants.  Plus, we have good stock of clean potting soil and Red Frog Compost for your garden.  We have started the end of spring plant sales.  

Veggie Plants:

3 for $15

6 for $25

10 for $40

Strawberry Plants buy 15 and the price goes to $4.50/each.


Do not for get about our Growing and Eat food with Nature gardening group.  Every 2nd Tuesday at 5:30pm here at Nature's Touch https://naturestouchnurseryandharvest.store/blogs/news/growing-food-with-nature-class-series


Here is what is going into today's baskets:

The Need For Greens:  Strawberries, Asparagus, Broccoli, Red Butter Lettuce, Italian Parsley, Persian Cucumbers.

Half Harvest: Strawberries, Asparagus, Broccoli, Red Butter Lettuce, Italian Parsley, Persian Cucumbers, Amber Peaches.

Full Harvest: Strawberries, Asparagus, Broccoli, Red Butter Lettuce, Italian Parsley, Persian Cucumbers, Amber Peaches Sugar Snap Peas.


Have a beautiful day.


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