This is a way for our community to help finance Nature's Neighbor - Growing From Our Roots.
This a video / Audio Podcast that Melanie created many years ago. With the help of many community members it has blossomed into what it is today . From 2007 -2009, Earth Talk Radio broadcasting our of KVEC in San Luis Obispo, California to 2009- 2021 the show named changed to Nature's Neighbor - Growing From Our Roots. Broadcasting live from KPRL in Paso Robles, California. 2021 to present it has been a Podcast. Now with the opportunity to make this a video / audio live show. Where we as a community have A show where we talk everything about Food, Farming, Family and Home. Home is always the Central Coast Of California. Always, using methods and practices to mimic nature as close as possible. Hoping to stimulate the conversation of how we eat our politics everyday. With the biggest political act we do everyday is what we put on our in our mouth. To always remember, what we stand for is what we stand on. BUY, EAT, LIVE LOCAL. EVERYDAY. To have the conversation of health through food and environment. To understand the feelings of seasons and understanding what weather really is. It is not just a raining day, what does this really mea? What moon phase are really in? so many questions that we as a community will get to answering all these questions.
Support our show. The seed money planted here will help this program grow.
Sponsorships are available - Call Melanie 805-712-3478
Donations are appreciated